(Cupid and Psyche , photo by M. Simoncini)
While browsing through the UnTextbook there were many units that caught my attention. Unfortunately, I will never have the time to read them all! Out of all the units I saw, there were three main units that really sparked my interest.
First, Alice in Wonderland because I think it is an especially interesting story. I loved the movie, and there are so many quirky characters. I think reading it will give me a much greater understanding.
Next, I want to learn more about English Fairy Tales because I really love fairy tales but I would love to learn about how they are different in England.
Last, I am very excited to read about Robin Hood. It is a such a great story that I haven't heard since I was little, and I would love a refresher.
I hope you will like Cupid and Psyche, Kristine! Psyche is one of the cool fairy-tale heroines of all time because she accomplishes some tasks that are the equal of any fairy-tale or hero task accomplished by a man. And if you like fairy tales, check out the Jewish Fairy Tales option for Week 3. It is a really cool collection of stories, some with Bible characters, some not, but with a great fairy-tale quality ... there's even a unicorn story in there, as you can see in this picture: Jewish Fairy Tales (yep, that is Noah's Ark!)